Sweep to Left or Right -No Huddle call is take 2 fingers and run them up arm -If QB is left unattended running to right, RB hit him with Pass Spider is an offensive 6 on 6 flag football play authored by Jarad. If you like this play, try becoming a football play designer or […]
Cover 2

F-F Female, covering the Flat. Same as the other flat player. Start inside, cover people to sideline and 10 yards upfield. M Middle coverage. Watch out for crosses, bump people going deep to slow them down and help deep defenders. Tip: Watch quarterback eyes, where they look, he throws. D Start 7 yards deep, this […]
T Alpha

3 Out-route: Run 6 steps and plant with inside foot. Run to sideline. Purpose: Essentially to block receiver #1’s defender. Then in confusion be open toward sideline. You are the SECOND receiver the quarterback will be looking for. So be ready. Tip: Run DIRECTLY toward your defender. This will help create a blockage. Do not […]
T Bravo

3 Route: Deep slant in, run 15 steps diagonally, then flatten to sideline Purpose: Everyone is crossing in middle of field. In the confusion you should be left open crossing all the way across the field deep. Tip: You should be AHEAD of everyone. Everyone is cutting behind you. Aim to flatten your route at […]
T Alpha – DEEP

3 Out-route: Run 6 steps and plant with inside foot. Run to sideline. Purpose: Essentially to block receiver #1’s defender. Then in confusion be open toward sideline. You are the SECOND receiver the quarterback will be looking for. So be ready. Tip: Run DIRECTLY toward your defender. This will help create a blockage. Do not […]