Split receivers come in motion to line up at the tackle positions. The center steps back after the snap and gets a quick screen around the outside. Motion Tight Pop Screen is an offensive 6 on 6 flag football play from Shotgun Base Wide which is a balanced shotgun formation with an empty backfield, three […]
Guard Across

The running back motions to the line and runs tandem slants with the strong side wide receiver. The weak side guard runs a crossing route underneath the slants. Guard Across is an offensive 6 on 6 flag football play from the Shotgun Single Back Wide Strong formation and is authored by Football Lines. For flag […]
Guard Motion Fade

The strong side guard motions to the outside on the strong side of the formation and runs a quick fade. The strong side wide receiver runs a quick slant over the guard’s route to confuse the coverage. The check down receiver is the weak side guard running a crossing route. Guard Motion Fade is an […]