Lined up in a Shotgun Single Back Wide formation the halfback goes in motion to the strong side of the field as the receiver on that side motions in. On the snap the quarterback runs an option with Turquoise to the now empty side of the field. Shotgun Ace Naked Option is an offensive 6 […]
Motion Tight Pop Screen

Split receivers come in motion to line up at the tackle positions. The center steps back after the snap and gets a quick screen around the outside. Motion Tight Pop Screen is an offensive 6 on 6 flag football play from Shotgun Base Wide which is a balanced shotgun formation with an empty backfield, three […]
Ace Strong 35 Off Tackle

Lined up in a Shotgun Single Back Wide Strong formation the receivers clear the weak side of the field for an off-tackle run by the halfback. Ace Strong 35 Off Tackle is an offensive 6 on 6 flag football play from Shotgun Single Back Wide Strong which is a shotgun formation with one running back […]