White fly pattern from trips #4 – White Fly is an offensive 6 on 6 flag football play from Base Trips which is a base trips formation for 6 on 6 aerial league This play is authored by mmljarc. For other plays check out our flag football playbooks or become a football play designer.

3 is an offensive 6 on 6 flag football play from Pro Set Tight which is a pro set formation with the quarterback under center, two running backs, and two wide receivers lined up tight. This play is authored by The Voice or design your own plays using our football play software or take your game to […]

Rub is an offensive 6 on 6 flag football play from Shotgun Trips which is a shotgun formation with three wide receivers and the running back to one side of the formation. This play is authored by tholmes222 or design your own plays using our football play software or take your game to the next level with […]
Zone Buster

Zone Buster is an offensive 6 on 6 flag football play from Shotgun Single Back Wide Strong which is a shotgun formation with one running back lined up beside the quarterback. There are two linemen and the center with the remaining receiver lined up wide on the same side as the running back. This play […]
Motion Option Right

Motion Option Right is an offensive 6 on 6 flag football play from Shotgun Twins which is a shotgun formation with twin wide receivers and the running back to one side of the formation. This play is authored by tholmes222. If you like this play, try becoming a football play designer or take your game […]