Starting with the Pro Set Tight alignment Blue goes on a stop and go, Red runs an in, Orange runs an out and up, and Yellow and Turquoise run crease routes to spread the defense. Green drops and passes quickly to Red on the short in. The second look is to either of the running […]
Motion Slant

Back receiver in stacked arrangement motions to the outside then runs a quick slant at the snap. Motion Slant is an offensive 6 on 6 flag football play from Shotgun Triple Stack which is a stacked formation with wide receivers and running backs stacked on either side of the ball. This play is authored by […]
Guard Motion Fade

The strong side guard motions to the outside on the strong side of the formation and runs a quick fade. The strong side wide receiver runs a quick slant over the guard’s route to confuse the coverage. The check down receiver is the weak side guard running a crossing route. Guard Motion Fade is an […]